Frequently Asked Questions

New Mexico Fresh Local, Double Up Logo, And EBT card

Get answers about Double Up Food Bucks New Mexico.


General Questions

Double Up Food Bucks is a statewide healthy food incentive program managed by the New Mexico Farmers’ Marketing Association. The program doubles the value of federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits spent at participating retail outlets including farmers’ markets, farm stands, grocery stores, and other retailers. It helps people stretch their fresh food budget and supports local farmers.

Double Up matches SNAP-EBT Card, or food stamp, dollars spent on New Mexico-grown fruits and vegetables. That means families can get twice the fresh fruits and veggies.

Anyone receiving SNAP benefits is automatically eligible: if you have a SNAP-EBT Card, you can use this program.

Double Up Food Bucks can only be used to buy New Mexico-grown fruits and vegetables. This list includes fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, plants that produce food (i.e., vegetable starts), cut herbs, and herb plants.

No sign-up is needed. If you receive SNAP benefits, you qualify for the program and can use it immediately at participating outlets!

Find a location on our online map or email us at

SNAP-EBT Card customers can use the program every day that participating locations are open! Most farmers’ markets and farm stands are seasonal, and open June through October. Several are open year-round. Use the locations map to find exact market dates and locations near you. Grocery stores are open year-round, though selection of New Mexico-grown produce will be at its peak during the summer and fall growing seasons.

Since Double Up Food Bucks is tied to New Mexico-grown produce, availability of eligible foods changes through the seasons. Read our Harvest Calendar to learn more about seasonal produce in New Mexico.

No, WIC and Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program purchases are not eligible for matching Double Up Food Bucks dollars.

You may apply for public assistance by contacting the New Mexico Income Support Division (ISD) Information Line, available 24/7, at 855-309-3766. You can also contact the Customer Service Center at 800-283-4465. Apply online here.

Roadrunner Food Bank has additional assistance services by calling 844-684-6268 or visiting their website here.

There are many ways to get involved. We always appreciate help spreading the word and have free flyers and posters about the program in English and Spanish. You can download them on our Resources page or email us to get hard copies.

In 2010 when SNAP-EBT technology was just growing at farmers’ markets, the New Mexico Farmers’ Marketing Association (NMFMA) launched an incentive program with federal stimulus funding provided by the New Mexico Human Services Department. In 2015, when the first USDA FINI federal grant became available, the NMFMA expanded the program to more than 30 farmers’ markets. Since 2016, the program has grown significantly with the help of state funding, additional federal funding, and private funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.


For Customers at Farmers’ Markets

For every $2 of SNAP benefits customers spend at participating farmers’ markets, customers get $2 of free Double Up Food Bucks to spend on New Mexico-grown fruits and vegetables. SNAP-EBT Card benefits can be spent on any SNAP-eligible items at the farmers’ market including fruits, vegetables, bread, eggs, and meat. Customers should visit the information booth to swipe their SNAP-EBT Card and will receive tokens to spend with vendors.

SNAP EBT Card customers can use the program every day that participating locations are open! Most farmers’ markets are seasonal, and open June through October. Several are open year-round. Use the locations map to find exact market dates and locations near you.New Mexico-grown produce will be at its peak during the summer and fall growing seasons.

At farmers’ markets, you must spend a minimum of $2 in SNAP benefits in order to receive the matching $2 in free Double Up Food Bucks. SNAP tokens are worth $1 each. If an odd number of SNAP funds is withdrawn, Double Up Food Bucks will be rounded down to the nearest even dollar amount.

Currently there is no limit on how much money SNAP customers can spend from their SNAP-EBT Card each day!

Most vendors that sell New Mexico-grown fruits and vegetables at participating Double Up farmers’ markets accept Double Up Food Bucks. Look for the Double Up Food Bucks certificates or signs displayed at market stalls or ask vendors before making a purchase.

Yes. All of farmers’ markets in New Mexico run the program the same way by matching what customers spend in their SNAP-EBT benefits (wood tokens worth $1) with free Double Up Food Bucks silver tokens (each worth $2).

You can use the silver Double Up tokens at any participating farmers’ market in New Mexico. For example, you could earn your Double Up Food Bucks tokens in Albuquerque but spend them at a participating farmers’ market in Las Cruces.

Silver Double Up Food Bucks tokens can only be used to purchase New Mexico-grown fruits and vegetables with eligible vendors at participating farmers’ markets. The silver Double Up tokens are given to you for free at the farmers’ market information booth when you use your SNAP-EBT Card benefits to shop at participating farmers’ markets. Each silver Double Up token is worth $2.

  • The value of the silver Double Up tokens does not come off your SNAP-EBT Card. Double Up silver tokens can only be used for New Mexico-grown fruits and vegetables.
  • SNAP tokens (wooden) can be used to purchase any SNAP-eligible items at the market, including fruits, vegetables, bread, cheese, and meats. These coins must be spent at the market at which you received them. The value of these tokens does come off your SNAP-EBT Card.

For Customers at Farm Stands, Grocery Stores, and Other Outlets

Double Up Food Bucks are applied as a 50% discount on eligible items at the point-of-sale when shopping at participating farm stands, grocery stores and other retailers. Just look for signage showing which products are eligible and let your cashier know that you’d like to use Double Up Food Bucks. To shop with Double Up Food Bucks, check our locations map!


For Farmers

Fill out this form to request a username and log-in for TalentLMS. If you are having trouble with TalentLMS (our vendor training platform). If you are having trouble with TalentLMS, please contact your market manager or the NMFMA.

Customers may only use their silver Double Up Food Bucks tokens to buy New Mexico-grown fruits and vegetables, and plants that grow edible foods. Customers can spend their wooden SNAP tokens on any SNAP-eligible food at the outlet.

Here are the details:

Foods that CAN be purchased with silver Double Up Food Bucks: New Mexico-grown produce that is fresh, whole, or cut, including lightly processed foods that are fresh, canned, frozen, or dried without added sugars, fats, or oils, and salt (i.e., sodium). This list includes fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, plants that produce food (i.e., vegetable starts), cut herbs, and herb plants.

Foods that CAN'T be purchased with silver Double Up tokens: Honey, jam, pecans, eggs, meat, bread, seafood, nuts, seeds, dried herbs, fermented products, or food that was not grown in New Mexico.

Foods that CAN be purchased with wooden SNAP tokens: Any food or food product intended for human consumption that is not hot and ready to eat at the point of sale.

Foods that CAN'T be purchased with wooden SNAP tokens: Food that is hot and ready to eat at the point of sale, food that is to be consumed immediately/at market/in the store, any type of alcoholic beverage or tobacco product, vitamins, medicine, pet food, non-food items, or any item that is not a food/food product intended for human consumption.

Yes, out-of-state SNAP-EBT cards can be used to purchase SNAP eligible foods, as well as for use with the New Mexico Double Up Food Bucks program, as long as the other state allows out-of-state SNAP-EBT sales. If customers are using their benefits at a farmers’ market, they must spend their tokens at the New Mexico market. Tokens issued in New Mexico will not be accepted in other states.

Double Up Food Bucks is a program with multiple goals: first is to help low-income families access more fresh, healthy foods, and second is to support local farmers. By restricting Double Up Food Bucks to New Mexico-grown produce, the program helps local farmers boost their incomes, which helps New Mexico’s local economies. Customers can still use regular SNAP-EBT Card benefits for other food items, like meats, cheeses, and fresh breads. Because customers will have twice as much to spend, vendors selling these items will see an increase in sales.

Yes! Double Up Food Bucks is a statewide program. There are many farmers’ markets around New Mexico participating in Double Up Food Bucks where the silver tokens can be used. The wooden SNAP tokens are only good at the market where they were issued.

Red pepper

For Farmers Markets’, Farm Stands, CSAs, and Grocery Stores

Visit the Get Involved page to learn more about becoming a participating outlet, or contact us at


For Grocery Stores

For information about becoming a participating outlet, please email the Nutrition Incentives Program Director.

Grocery stores must:

  • Be a member of the NMFMA (join here)
  • Carry a minimum of six locally grown fresh fruits or vegetables throughout the year
  • Submit to the NMFMA a list of local vendors and local products purchased each year
  • Agree to overt and covert spot checks throughout the year by the NMFMA
  • Commit to the NMFMA reporting requirements
  • Help with in-store Double Up education and community outreach efforts